RAF Manston History Museum Visit
...RAF Manston History Museum Visit
Cadets and staff from 2433 Squadron were pleased to visit the RAF Manston History Museum on Wednesday 4th March.
The Squadron has close ties with the museum and the building it is located in, which was a previous Squadron headquarters.
RAF Manston has a very special link to the Air Cadet Organisation as No.1 Air Experience Flight (AEF) was stationed at the airfield from 1963 to 1995 before moving to RAF St. Athan.
As its name suggests, the museum covers the history of Royal Air Force Station Manston from its original Royal Naval Air Station origins, through the Battle of Britain to becoming the home of RAF and MOD Fire Service training, which is its role today.
Cadets were fortunate to be able to access exhibits which the public are not normally allowed to see inside including the RAF Search and Rescue Wessex helicopter and RAF Canberra.
2433 (Ramsgate & Manston) Squadron thank our hosts at the museum for their time and hospitality...