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50th Anniversary


2433 (Ramsgate & Manston) Squadron was proud to celebrate its 50th anniversary during 2015.  Having been formed on 1 September 1965, the Squadron commemorated this important milestone in a number of ways.


The Squadron now looks forward to 2016 which offers two further, significant anniversaries.  Firstly, the 75th Anniversary of the Formation of the Air Training Corps and, lastly, the 100th anniversary of flying beginning at Manston.  Both are looking to be interesting events.



Anniversary Parade and Concert


Sunday 11th October 2015 saw 2433 Squadron play host to several hundred people at our major 50th Anniversary Parade, Drum-head Service and Battle of Britain concert.


The Sqn was joined by Deputy Lieutenant of Kent Mr Barry Duffield, Commandant DFTDC Wing Commander Chris Thorpe RAF, the Mayors of Ramsgate and Margate and the Deputy Mayor of Broadstairs & St. Peters as well as 2 former Squadron Commanders.  Many friends, familes and supporters of the Sqn attended and the sun shone.


The event began with a magnificent flypast by the Vulcan on its final flypoast tour.  The parade marched on at 2pm and, after an inspection by the Deputy Lieutenant, a drum-head service of thanksgiving and re-dedication was held, led by the Sqn Chaplain.


After the parade marched off, refreshments were served in the DFTDC Officers' Mess.


Convening again at the DFTDC HQ, The Manston Band of No. 2433 Sqn marched and played for the crowd, performing a very special drum routine.  This was followed by the championship Medway Band preforming a concert to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain.  The concert included the Battle of Britain March, Spitfire Prelude and NCOs and Cadets ceremonially hauled down the Air Training Corps Ensign to The Last Post. It was an emotional and moving event with excellent music.


It was, indeed, a magnificent occasion to celebrate our anniversary and to commemorate the Battle of Britain.


Photos are in Casper's Blog now.



Squadron Name


To cement the Squadrons link with the town of Ramsgate and the RAF/MOD establishment at Manston, permission was sought to make a change to the Squadrons name.  2433 Squadron is immensely proud of the links it has with both the town of Ramsgate and the military unit at Manston and to mark this, the Squadron was finally allowed to show that publicly by changing its name from 2433 (Ramsgate) Squadron to 2433 (Ramsgate & Manston) Squadron.  We beleive this more accurately reflects our physical and spiritual location in the life of Ramsgate and Manston.  It also allows us to commemorate the proud history of military and civilian aviation that has taken place at Manston since late 1915.






Squadron 50th Anniversary Dinner


On Saturday 28th March 2015 cadets, staff and guests met at the Combined Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess at the Defence Fire Training & Development Centre, Manston for dinner.


The Guest of Honour was Wing Commander Chris Thorpe RAF, Commandant DFTDC and we were also joined by Councillor Patricia Moore, the Worshipful town Mayor of Ramsgate and her Mayoress; Mr Frank Davd OStJ QFSM, Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Firefghters; Wing Commander Russell Goodayle RAFVR(T), Officer Commanding Kent Wing Air Cadets and Flight Lieutenant Dave Hougham RAFVR(T) (Ret'd) a former 2433 Squadron commander.


Messages of goodwill were sent and a message of congratulations from Her Majesty The Queen was read by the Officer Commanding, Flight Lieutenant Geoff Hobbs-East RAFVR(T).


Squadron staff, Civilian Committee and cadets attended in great numbers and a fine meal was taken in the mess followed by a disco in the ante-room.  It was an extremely enjoyable evening and more photos can bee seen in Caspers Blog.




Defence Fire Training

& Development Centre



CT12 5BS


© 2014 - 2433 Sqn RAF Air Cadets.

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Parade Times

Monday (Band only) 7pm to 9pm

Wednesday 7pm to 9.30pm

Friday 7pm to 10pm


2433 Squadron - Spirit of Manston

Contact us 

(01843) 825194


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